Institutional Links
Here are institutions and organizations that I am related to and are important to me. You can visit their sites and learn about them.

The Sistema Nacional de Fomento Musical (aka, El Sistema-Mexico) is a federal program of the Mexican Government and an agency of the National Council for Culture and the Arts. The establishment of this institution was inspired in the movement of children and youth orchestras from Venezuela. The National Development Plan 2013–2018 of Mexican Government states as a goal the creation of children and youth orchestras in the most underserved municipalities and the SNFM is in charge of this mission. During the presentation of the program “Music for Harmony” on November 26, 2013, it was known that the SNFM is leading a National Movement of Community Groups (Orchestras, Choirs, Wind Bands and ensembles) within a network of 100 organizations, collaborating with State and Municipal governments, associations and foundations. At this moment Mexico has the presidency of the Iberorquestas program of the General Secretariat of Ibero-American States (SEGIB).

This is the new web site of El Sistema in Venezuela, formerly Fesnojiv and now Fundación Musical Simón Bolivar. I love it!!
There is no more a English page here in this new version, Alas!

Sistema Global seeks to connect, encourage, and empower El Sistema teachers and leaders world-wide.

IBERORQUESTAS JUVENILES or Ibero-American Youth Orchestras is a program from the SEGIB for the building of an Ibero-American Music Realm. It is multi-national project of financial and technical collaboration to promote the music development, with emphasis on middle class and disadvantaged child and youth and on those on social risk.

IBERMUSICAS is the program fostering Ibero-American Music created by the SEGIB in 2011. The goal of IBERMUSICAS is to promote the presence and knowledge about the cultural diversity on the Ibero-American realm in musical arts, stimulating new audience development on this region and enhancing the employment market for the professionals of this field. The Cultural institutions of SEGIB member countries are in charge of this web page of resources.
Andorra, Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, España, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Portugal, República Dominicana, Uruguay y Venezuela.
National Alliance of El Sistema Inspired Programs