Aaron Copland, and his students Leonard Bernstein and José Pablo Moncayo at the Berkshire Music Center. Summer 1942. Moncayo Family archives.

Moncayo for iPad
José Pablo Moncayo for Smartphone
Open iTunes to download apps
You can also visualize this app in your PC http://huapangodemoncayo.mx
In 2012, the National Council for Culture and the Arts of Mexico programed different actions to celebrate the 100th birth anniversary of Mexican composer José Pablo Moncayo. El Sistema-México (Sistema Nacional de Fomento Musical) launched a free application for smartphones available via iTunes containing biographical and iconographical information about Moncayo. As a member of the developning team, Dr. Armando Torres Chibrás was in charge of the research and to provide the content such as biographical notes and a catalogue of compositions.
Thanks to this app you can take a trip to the life of Moncayo through all aspects of his professional activity. Discover the sound of his chamber, symphonic and stage music and try to conduct a whole symphony orchestra using your smartphone like a baton. You can even select different sections of the symphony when listening to the famous Huapango. You will have all this and more through this application to memorialize Moncayo's birth in 1912.